
Fannie Mae Updating Single-Family MBS Disclosures for Refinitiv Index Name Change

March 25, 2024

As previously announced, the index name "Refinitiv USD IBOR Cash Fallback" will be replaced with "FTSE USD IBOR Cash Fallback" in Fannie Mae's Single-Family mortgage-backed security (MBS) disclosures. This change will be reflected in the monthly business day 4 file and on PoolTalk as of April 4th.

Effective today, the Single-Family Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) MBS Subtypes have been updated to reflect the new name. In addition to the update to our subtypes, Fannie Mae has removed the individual files in text format (.txt) from its ARM MBS Subtype webpage; however, Single-Family subtype information will still be available in .csv format.