Data Dynamics - Single-Family CRT Data

Data Dynamics® is the only free data analytics platform for market participants to evaluate and analyze Fannie Mae's vast amount of available data.

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Single-Family CRT Insights
  • CRT-Eligible Profile Summary: Monitor the profile of loans issued in Fannie Mae MBS that are CRT-eligible based on LTV, loan term, and DTI criteria.
  • Deal Issuance Data: Analyze the risk profile of Connecticut Avenue Securities® (CAS) and Credit Insurance Risk Transfer™ (CIRT™ ) reference pools at issuance and as of the most recent remittance period.
  • Deal Performance Data: Analyze the performance of CAS and CIRT reference pools from issuance through the most recent remittance period.
  • Historical Comparative Analysis: View historical performance by vintage reweighted by the FICO, CLTV, and risk layer composition of the UPB at issuance for each CAS and CIRT deal.
  • Watch the video tutorial for analysis on seasoned loan transactions, including HRP and SBT series.
  • Easily access at-issuance and ongoing monthly performance data directly through API functionality.


Data Dynamics enables investors to keep abreast of their CRT investments by providing users the ability to:

  • Aggregate performance of a specific portfolio.
  • Compare the credit profile of a new deal to outstanding deals.
  • View delinquency performance of credit tails and how loans move between states of delinquency from period to period.
  • View performance of loans that are in temporary payment forbearance or modification, and analyze historical outcomes for those loans (see the User Guide).
  • Observe loan disposition characteristics and trends.

Data Dynamics is constantly evolving based on user feedback to add new insights. Please visit often and share your feedback.